Welcome to Freedom Air Express
Freedom AirFreedom AirFreedom Air
252-611590551- 252-611590552
Freedom AirFreedom AirFreedom Air

Enjoy peace of mind
as you travel in luxury
and style
Taste Freedom and enjoy your travel

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    About Us

    Freedom Air Express

    Freedom Airline (trading as Freedom Airline Express Ltd) is a modern, low-cost airline, based in Nairobi Kenya. The company was established in 2008 by dynamic individuals and has grown to become one of the region’s leading private airlines. Freedom Airline is licensed to operate across the African continent and the Middle East and boasts of a robust fleet of modern aircrafts comprising; turbo-props, jets and helicopters.
    Our Mission
    Our mission is to provide world-class aviation transport services, driven by exemplary service and an unforgettable experience.
    Our Vision
    Our vision is to become East Africa’s most preferred passenger and cargo airline, reputed for impeccable service; safety, comfort and quality.

    We provide wide range of aviation services


    Latest news from Freedom Air Express.


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