Welcome to Freedom Air Express
Freedom AirFreedom AirFreedom Air
252-611590551- 252-611590552
Freedom AirFreedom AirFreedom Air

About Us

Welcome to Freedom

Freedom Airline (trading as Freedom Airline Express Ltd) is a modern, low-cost airline, Headquartered in Nairobi, second Headquarter in Mogadishu, Somalia.  The company was established in 2008 by dynamic individuals and has grown to become  one of the region’s leading private airlines.

Freedom Airline is licensed to operate across the African continent and the Middle East and boasts of a robust fleet of modern aircrafts comprising; turbo-props, jets and helicopters.

For more than a decade, Freedom Airline has curved a niche in providing a range of specialized air transport including wet-lease and ad hoc fights, humanitarian, medical evacuation (medevac), passenger services (scheduled flights), VIP/Executive transport, cargo flights, aircraft maintenance and expert aerial work.  

Since opening its doors, Freedom Airline has successfully developed a diverse client base, encompassing some of the world’s best interline partners, freight forwarders, charter brokers, governments, United Nations (UN) agencies and international aid organizations. Freedom Airline Express Ltd is also a certified aircraft maintenance service provider, authorized to provide specialized services to third parties at Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) and Wilson Airport in Nairobi.

Our Vision Our Mission Our Believe

Our vision is to become East Africa’s most preferred passenger and cargo airline, reputed for impeccable service; safety, comfort and quality.

Our mission is to provide world-class aviation transport services, driven by exemplary service and an unforgettable experience.
We understand and appreciate our customers' regards for quality services. We have made a firm commitment to provide high quality services, through strategic investment and continuous improvement of all sectors of our business.

Our Core Values


Safety is our biggest investment. We have a zero-tolerance policy to unsafe practices and work tirelessly to ensure our equipment, workplace as well as environment is safe at all time.


We practice high stand s of ethical behavior and demonstrate honest in all our dealing as a business. We believe in building mutual trust and respect with all our partners, clients and suppliers.

Customer Focus

We believe in treating our customers responsibly. At Freedom Air, we believe that treating our stakeholders well guarantees us better treatment in return.

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